Sunday, 29 January 2012

A Winter of high water and wind!

I can't remember a Winter with so much high winds and high water, again this week we had another flood of over 7ft on the gauge. Apart from wind blown trees lying across roads and paths, the river banks themselves have had a hard time, from whats been washed down to us somebody up river has lots of Bank work to be done, virtually after every spate more trees have washed up somewhere on the beats.

Damage like this can ruin a pool for years due to the movement of gravel and change in direction of the flow, it will be interesting spring finding out what changes have happened this winter.

Sheer force of water moved tonnes of Granite and gravel from a croy at Commonty and has cut through one of the islands below the boat pool moving tonnes of gravel into the Island pool.

1 comment:

  1. hi great blog page really enjoyed it cheers tight lines 2012 from a fellow ghillie on the tweed kevin .
